1 Тир: Amplifying Tome
B. F. Sword
Blasting Wand
Boots of Speed
Brawler's Gloves
Chain Vest
Cloak of Agility
Cloth Armor
Doran's Blade
Doran's Ring
Doran's Shield
Faerie Charm
Giant's Belt
Long Sword
Meki Pendant
Needlessly Large Rod
Negatron Cloak
Null-Magic Mantle
Recurve Bow
Regrowth Pendant
Rejuvenation Bead
Ruby Crystal
Sapphire Crystal
Vampiric Scepter
2 Тир: Abyssal Scepter
Aegis of the Legion
Atma's Impaler
Avarice Blade
Berserker's Greaves
Bilgewater Cutlass
Boots of Mobility
Boots of Swiftness
Catalyst the Protector
Chalice of Harmony
Cloak and Dagger
Emblem of Valor
Executioner's Calling
Fiendish Codex
Force of Nature
Glacial Shroud
Guardian Angel
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Haunting Guise
Heart of Gold
Hextech Revolver
Infinity Edge
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Kage's Lucky Pick
Last Whisper
Madred's Razors
Mana Manipulator
Mejai's Soulstealer
Mercury's Treads
Moonflair Spellblade
Ninja Tabi
Philosopher's Stone
Quicksilver Sash
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Sorcerer's Shoes
Sunfire Cape
Sword of the Divine
Sword of the Occult
Tear of the Goddess
The Black Cleaver
The Bloodthirster
The Brutalizer
Void Staff
Warden's Mail
Warmog's Armor
Wit's End
Zhonya's Hourglass
3 Тир: Archangel's Staff
Banshee's Veil
Deathfire Grasp
Eleisa's Miracle
Frozen Heart
Frozen Mallet
Hextech Gunblade
Lich Bane
Madred's Bloodrazor
Morello's Evil Tome
Nashor's Tooth
Phantom Dancer
Randuin's Omen
Rod of Ages
Shurelya's Reverie
Soul Shroud
Spirit Visage
Stark's Fervor
Trinity Force
Will of the Ancients
Wriggle's Lantern
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Вспомогательные: Elixir of Agility
Elixir of Brilliance
Elixir of Fortitude
Health Potion
Mana Potion
Oracle's Elixir
Sight Ward
Vision Ward
1 Тир: Amplifying Tome
B. F. Sword
Blasting Wand
Boots of Speed
Brawler's Gloves
Chain Vest
Cloak of Agility
Cloth Armor
Doran's Blade
Doran's Ring
Doran's Shield
Faerie Charm
Giant's Belt
Long Sword
Meki Pendant
Needlessly Large Rod
Negatron Cloak
Null-Magic Mantle
Recurve Bow
Regrowth Pendant
Rejuvenation Bead
Ruby Crystal
Sapphire Crystal
Vampiric Scepter
2 Тир: Abyssal Scepter
Aegis of the Legion
Atma's Impaler
Avarice Blade
Berserker's Greaves
Bilgewater Cutlass
Boots of Mobility
Boots of Swiftness
Catalyst the Protector
Chalice of Harmony
Cloak and Dagger
Emblem of Valor
Executioner's Calling
Fiendish Codex
Force of Nature
Glacial Shroud
Guardian Angel
Guinsoo's Rageblade
Haunting Guise
Heart of Gold
Hextech Revolver
Infinity Edge
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Kage's Lucky Pick
Last Whisper
Madred's Razors
Mana Manipulator
Mejai's Soulstealer
Mercury's Treads
Moonflair Spellblade
Ninja Tabi
Philosopher's Stone
Quicksilver Sash
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Sorcerer's Shoes
Sunfire Cape
Sword of the Divine
Sword of the Occult
Tear of the Goddess
The Black Cleaver
The Bloodthirster
The Brutalizer
Void Staff
Warden's Mail
Warmog's Armor
Wit's End
Zhonya's Hourglass
3 Тир: Archangel's Staff
Banshee's Veil
Deathfire Grasp
Eleisa's Miracle
Frozen Heart
Frozen Mallet
Hextech Gunblade
Lich Bane
Madred's Bloodrazor
Morello's Evil Tome
Nashor's Tooth
Phantom Dancer
Randuin's Omen
Rod of Ages
Shurelya's Reverie
Soul Shroud
Spirit Visage
Stark's Fervor
Trinity Force
Will of the Ancients
Wriggle's Lantern
Youmuu's Ghostblade
Вспомогательные: Elixir of Agility
Elixir of Brilliance
Elixir of Fortitude
Health Potion
Mana Potion
Oracle's Elixir
Sight Ward
Vision Ward
Если в команде есть герой-лесник: Он должен быть только 1, то есть, на линиях должны быть 4 героя. На 2 соло линиях должны стоять более-менее приспособленные к соло герои.